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Dr Laltluangliana Khiangte
Padma Shri
Current engagement
Senior Professor
Department of Mizo
Mizoram University
Mission Veng
A well-known playwright-dramatist, poet, scholar-critic, essayist,
biographer and folklorist

High School
Higher Secondary
Graduate Degree
Post Graduate Degree
Doctoral Degree
Other Degrees
Govt. M.E. Sikul, Vairengte
Synod Higher Secondary School
St. Anthonys College
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.)
St. Edmunds College
Master of Arts
D. Litt. (Folk Lit.)
Doctor of Divinity (D.D.)
State Level
1st. Prize in State Level Drama Writing Competition 1990
Book of the Year 1997
Lelte Best Writer of Mizoram 2001, 2002, 2003
Distinguished Playwright Award 2004
K.Zawla Award in Literature 2007
Khuangchera Award 2008
Outstanding Contribution Award 2010
Pu Buanga Award : Literary Award 2010
AIR Golden Jubilee Centurion Talker 2016
Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav 2017
National Level
Rashtriya Lok Bhasha Samman 2003
Bharat Adivasi Samman 2005
Padma Shri - Literature & Education 2006
Indian Tribal Drama Award 2012
National NSS Medal for Excellence 2012
Sahitya Shiromani 2014
Dr. Sam Higginbottom Award 2015
Inter-Indian Language Award/Bhasha Samman-2017
Arunodoi North East Achiever Felicitation on 2017
Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (Playwrighting) 2018
International Level
English Lecturer, Govt. Hrangbana College,Aizawl, Mizoram
English Lecturer, Govt. Aizawl College,Aizawl, Mizoram
Research Associate, Mizo, Pachhunga Univ. College, NEHU (MC)
Mizo Reader (PG) Mizo Deptt. NEHU (MC), Hqrs.Shillong
Mizo Reader, (PG) Mizo Deptt., Mizoram University, Aizawl
Head & Reader / Professor, (PG) Mizo Dept., Mizoram University
Professor (Mizo Language & Literature), Mizoram Univ.(Central)
Dean, School of Humanities & Education, Mizoram Univ.(Central)
Principal, Serampore College (University) West Bengal, India (3½yrs)
Convener, Senate of Serampore College (University : 3½yrs)
Head-in-charge, Department of English, Serampore College (1½yr)
Controller of Examinations, P.G.Section, Serampore College (3½yrs)
Secretary, Council of Serampore College (Univesity : 3½yrs)
Books in Mizo - 38
Book in English - 23
Paper presented/ written
National/ International (English) - 101
Regional (English) - 78
Regional (Mizo) - 146
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